Friday, December 1, 2017

Christmas is coming again!

We have just one month left before the end of 2017…

Can you believe how fast this year has gone by?

Time goes by quickly.

How have you done on your goals?

What changes have you made in your life?

Have you made the effort to become better than you were when you started this journey? If so, how?

Will you take a moment right now and write in your diary or journal about the changes you’ve made in your life?

Time to do that now.



Friday, November 3, 2017

True Happiness…

“True happiness and success come from living your life in harmony with the laws that govern your being.” – Brian Tracey.

Are you happy?

Do you feel happy?

What governs happiness?

Does success equal happiness?

What are the laws that govern your being?

Does the golden rule apply here?

What about Paul’s teachings about being honest?

Have you ever considered what determines your moral compass?

What are you unwilling to stand for?



Sunday, October 1, 2017

Successful People…

Successful people tend to become more successful because they are always thinking about their successes. – Brian Tracey

I don’t know if I completely agree with Brian Tracey on this one.

I suppose it depends on what you think success actually means. And then, it may also have to do with dreaming about future successes and working on accomplishing them. I don’t think that if you are focused on past successes you are very successful. You can do many great things in the past and then quit or retire. If that’s the case, then the success is over. I don’t think we can revel in what’s been done in the past. I think we have to move upward and onward.

I’m sitting on my couch right now, watching my son practice the piano. He hems and ha’as about practicing. He says he needs “help” (whatever that means)… but when it comes to just play the songs over and over again so that you are not just competent and proficient at it, but you master it —> this is where he gives up. He just refuses to do it enough to master it. He complains and he whines about practicing. It becomes clear that he doesn’t love it. Because he doesn’t love it, he’ll never master it.

Is mastery even an option if you don’t love it?

I think it is. Sure. In fact, I’m willing to bet it you practice enough, you could master anything.

Remember Malcom Gladwell’s 10,000 hours to be a master of something? I think this applies.

The trick in my mind is to keep practicing and putting in the effort, while other people refuse to do so. Maybe they don’t refuse to do so. Maybe they just won’t put in the effort required. They would rather moan and whine and complaint and go watch TV or a movie, play a video game, or do something else.

If you want to master something. If you want to be the very best it is at what you do; then you need to put in the time and effort. I think anything can be mastered. The question is really up to you. Are you will to pay the price?

Well, are you?

If not, then go back to sleep or watch tv…



Friday, September 1, 2017

The Smartest Thing…

The smartest thing that a person can do is to persistently think the thoughts that are consistent with the kind of person he or she would like to be. – Brian Tracey

Who are you?

Who do you want to be?

How often do you think about who you want to become?

Are you content in life?

Do you want to be better?

How do you want to be better?

Is there anyone, other than you, who can change you?

What thoughts should you be thinking?

How do you change your thoughts?

What is the process you should go engage in to better your thoughts?

When was the last time you memorized something?

Should you memorize quality thoughts and repeat them on a regular basis? why?

What are you going to start with first?

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Textbook or Workbook

Do you use a textbook or workbook to design your life?

Do you add more materials as you go through life?

Are you reactive in your life or do you have a purpose or mission you are working on?

Why or why not?

If you are reactive in your life, should you change that?

How do you change something?



Saturday, July 1, 2017

Does Your Life Really Matter?

Your Life Really Does Matter.

This is why.

Take out a piece of paper.

Go now – do it.

Get a pen.

Got one?


Think about what will happen for others and the world if you achieve your goals.

Realize right now, that once you achieve your goals, everything will change.

Not only for you, but for the entire world.

If your goal is to get a million dollars. Think about how many lives you will affect when you achieve that goal.

How many homeless people can you provide shelter to?

How many hungry people can you feed?

How many naked people can you clothe?

How many people can you aid?

Consider the impact you will have on the world and for people through generations.

You have inside of you the potential to contribute and impact our world.

Is history going to remember you?

Are you going to be a footnote in history?

Are you going to be a paragraph in history?

Will there be a chapter on you in history?

Will someone write a book about you…?

Or, will many people write many books about you?

The answers to those questions are entirely up to you.

You choose.

You decide.

What are you doing with your life?



Thursday, June 1, 2017

Everything is a Test

Everything is a Test

– Jay Abraham

As you create your life, Jay Abraham suggests that you approach each change you make as a test.

Why do you think that is?

If things don’t work in the “real world” the way you thing that they should, is that a problem with the “real world” or is it a problem with your approach? Can you change the “real world”?

Can you change your approach?

Which is the easier change to make?

If only 1/5th of the things you try to do will work, shouldn’t you take action quickly to find the 1 out of 5 that will work so you can “succeed”?

What is success anyway?

Have you succeeded yet?

By the way, the year is half over.

How are those 2017 goals and new years resolutions coming along?

Is there a point to all of this?

Why go through the process of change?

Are you happy where you are?

Will achieving something different make you happy (or happier)? Why or why not?

What else should you be doing that you’re not doing right now?

What action should you be taking?

What is the next step?

Do that now.



Thursday, May 4, 2017

mental block

jeremy eveland mental block

We have a mental block inside us that stops us from earning more than we think we are worth. If we want to earn more in reality, we have to upgrade our self-concept. – Brian Tracy

Imagine for a moment that you could have — be — or do — anything. That’s right. Imagine that it’s real.

Imagine that you could have it all.

Be it all.

Do it all.

Whatever you wanted.

Now, open your eyes.

You are in that position now.

You can create the life you want.

It does not matter who or what or where you are.

Each of us can climb out of where we are and become something more.

Do something more.

Have something more.

Be something more.

It’s true.

The past doesn’t matter — what does matter is what you’re going to do with what is before you.

You can do it.

Whatever it is. You can.

There is a way.

Find the way.

Make the way.

Build the way.

and surprisingly.

It is entirely up to you.

not me.

not someone else.

not anyone else.

Only you.

You choose.

So make a good choice. No. I take that back. Make the best choices you possibly can for you.

And you might be surprised what you can accomplish.

Now, get to work.

Jeremy Eveland
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States

Telephone: (801) 676-5506
4.9 stars – based on 49 reviews

SEO by Jeremy Eveland



Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Self Confidence

Jeremy Eveland Self Confidence

The real foundation of self-confidence is living a life consistent with your innermost values and principles while thinking and acting in harmony with your highest aspirations.

– Brian Tracy

What is it that you value?

Do your goals reflect your values?

What are the principles that you believe in?

Have you written them down?

Can you articulate them without stuttering?

Do you know who you are?

What do you stand for?

What is it that is important to you?

Do you live your life based on your principles and values?

Moment to moment, each day, are you living your life by design or by default?

If you’re not, what are you doing to change now?

By the way, how are your 2017 goals coming along?

How are those new year’s resolutions? Have you achieved them yet?

Why or why not?

Who is to blame if you haven’t?

What are you going to do about it?

Head’s up – next month will be 1/2 way through the year.

I’ve heard that most people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in 5 years.

Do you have a 5 year plan? If not, what are you going to do about it?

Jeremy Eveland
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States

Telephone: (801) 676-5506

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Attitude of Gratitude

jeremy eveland seo expert

“An attitude of gratitude enriches you in many ways” – Brian Tracy

How important is it to be grateful?

It’s extremely important to be grateful for what you have. I have a family of friends. These friends have in their house a quote or saying above the front door to their house.

It reads something like this:

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Lawyer Alan Stewart Launches New Website

Salt Lake City, UT (PRWEB) March 22, 2013

Mr. Alan R. Stewart Attorney in Salt Lake City Utah has announced the launch of his website Having a website is a must these days; no matter what one's profession is. Stewart is excited for how this website will help his clients.

I do believe that they will find it more convenient to reach me with a few clicks, even if it is in the middle of the night said Mr. Stewart. Alan Stewart has an amazing record of success in helping others get justice. Now he is looking to…

What if you woke up tomorrow morning with only those things that you thanked God for last night?

Crazy to think about, right?

We ought to be more thankful.

I ought to be more thankful.

There is always something that we should be thankful for.

Jeremy Eveland
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States

Telephone: (801) 676-5506
4.7 stars – based on 45 reviews

SEO by Jeremy Eveland seo expert



Thursday, April 20, 2017

Get in Early

Jeremy Eveland Get Up Early

Winners get there early, they work late, they work through their lunch hour, they work through their coffee breaks, they work in the evenings, they study on the weekends, they take extra courses. Winners are absolutely determined to win, and they are willing to pay the price.” – Brian Tracy

Think about that quote for a minute.

It take effort to win in life.

Even if you put forth the effort, life can still kick you down.

Even if you do everything that Brian Tracy talks about here, you still might not succeed in the financial sense. You may, but you may not. You can’t predict the future. You don’t know if your boss will fire you. You can’t control the president of the United States or Russia or any other country.

Right now there is turmoil in the world. Threats and statements made against others. It’s easy to get caught up in that. It’s also just as easy to ignore it and put your blinders on and start getting to work.

If your shift starts at 8am, why aren’t you showing up at 7am?

If you are in the accounting industry, what prevents you from taking night classes to further your education?

If you want to win and get ahead in life, you’ve got to put in the effort.

It is not easy.

If success were easy, everyone would be doing it – right?

Then there would be no point in giving it your all.

So, do your best – give it your all – become now the person you desire to be.

Best of luck to you.



Friday, April 14, 2017


jeremy eveland adversity

“The quality of your entire personality is affected by how you deal with adversity, how well you keep your chin up.” – Brian Tracy

When I was a kid, I was told by someone that adversity is like fertilizer – it stinks but it helps us grow.

There is truth in that.

There is a lot that people go through in their lives.

Many know that Lincoln failed many times before he became president of the United States. Many know that the most successful people had multiple failures. I, myself, have failed more than I cared to admit. But at some point, you have to pick yourself up and take that failure and learn from it.

Then, when adversity comes (and it will surely come), you grin, put your head down, and go for what it is your want. Because there is no way you can live with yourself and be happy if you don’t push forward through the adversity.

It’s like the plant just starting to grow from a seed. It’s got to push it’s way out of the ground and catch that sunlight to engage in photosynthesis to grow and develop. The same is true for us. We must grow. We must grow through adversity to become who we need to be.

And for all of us, the process does not stop.

It goes on.

When you are ready to grow, call me.

We’ll grow together.

Jeremy Eveland
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States

Telephone: (801) 676-5506



Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Jeremy Eveland

“It is very hard for people to resist someone who is listening to them closely, nodding and smiling and showing obvious interest in what they have to say.” – Brian Tracy

You know, of all the experiences in life, when it comes to success, I always go back to the class I took in High School called “Strategy” – it was taught by Mr. Wendt. Mr. Wendt taught us about success – how to make it on our own, how to be responsible, how to eat healthy, how to budget, how to think like a winner. Of all the classes, his has stuck with me the most. I remember he has us read a book See you at the Top by Zig Ziglar. It had alot of motivational stuff in it, but it seemed to ring true to me. Living a successful authentic life seemed right.

Now, more than 20+ years later, I find myself thinking about the things he taught. Simple things like this quote above. Actually listening to others instead of pretending to listen to them. Smiling because you like them and listening because you really want to hear them.

That’s not just good advise for sales or success – it’s good advise for being a decent and authentic human being.

We are the way we are because that is who we truly want to be. If we wanted to be any different, we would be in the process of changing right now.

Enjoy each days as if it is your last because one day, it will be.

Jeremy Eveland
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States

Telephone: (801) 676-5506



Friday, April 7, 2017


Jeremy Eveland Exceptional

“When you truly believe yourself to be an exceptional human being who possesses remarkable capabilities, you will walk and talk and act that way.” – Brian Tracy

Just what makes good managers and also leaders outstanding? Good supervisors and leaders have the capacity to set a clear direction, develop placement and support an unwavering commitment to an efficient and also favorable workplace. But, exactly what will certainly make them remarkable. Following is a list of five practices, mindsets or alignments that makes great supervisors and leaders, remarkable.

1. At The Top Of My List Is Self-awareness.

They have a deep and progressed degree of self-awareness. They comprehend that they are, the best ways to leverage their one-of-a-kind skills and toughness and how to utilize these as imaginative forces at the office as well as in life.

2. They Are Register.

They have the capability to obtain employees and colleagues delighted concerning their suggestions, vision and also the kind of organisational culture they intend to nurture. Getting exhilaration, interest as well as “aliveness” is a vital component of communicating properly, a key leadership capability.

3. Next On My List Is The Capacity To View People As Resourceful.

When managers and leaders run from this position, they hold the assumption of competence in the direction of staff members and also peers. They welcome staff members, coworkers as well as groups to harness their creative thinking and diversity of concepts to add to addressing organizational obstacles and also problems. The result is raised efficiency and positivity within groups and also the organisation all at once.

4. They Have The Capacity To Support Skill.

They ready coaches. In this positioning supervisors and leaders have the belief that each employee has something of worth to contribute to the company. As well as, they have the ability to use those contributions and also the inherent possibility of others through, insightful inquiries, listening, recognition and also via tough projects.

5. As well as lastly, they value purposeful execution and also execution.

They comprehend that the results they accomplish do not depend upon the qualities of a distinct method, but the stability of its execution. They understand that the best strategic goals could not survive poor execution – success is 10% vision and 90% implementation.

You are excel at just what you do. Don’t opt for good. Be phenomenal. You could do that by constantly challenging on your own to be exceptional. Make far better quality decisions, make much better plans, implement better – whatever you do, hold excellence as a standard in all that you do. And, being outstanding enables you to stand tall and also above those who are simply great.

Best of all, you will certainly be much more successful, breakthrough faster and live a richer live.

Profits. If you intend to break through the functional glass ceiling and also excel in your job, become outstanding at exactly what you do. What can you do that is exceptional?

Are you exceptional?

How are you exceptional?

What must you do right now to be exceptional?

Do that now my friend.

Jeremy Eveland
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States

Telephone: (801) 676-5506

SEO by Jeremy Eveland



Thursday, April 6, 2017

Original Walt Disney Business Plan

“Learn to love your work and commit yourself to becoming outstanding in your field” – Brian Tracy

This is what the original Walt Disney Business Plan looked like:


Original Walt Disney Business Plan

Now, I’m going to be very honest with you – I look at this and I do not understand it at first glance.

Then, the more I looked at this, the more it made sense.

Nearly everything ties back to the other.

Look at how he has multiple sources of income.

TV, leads to music, which leads to films, which leads to merchandise licensing, which leads to Disneyland, which leads to art sales, which leads to comic strips, and round and round it goes.

It begins with a character and it goes to stories, and it goes on top of each other making money.



What are your thoughts on Walt Disney?

Comments accepted below…

Jeremy Eveland
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States

Telephone: (801) 676-5506

SEO by West Jordan SEO



Sunday, April 2, 2017

Information Overload

In the world we live in right here, right now, things change and move quickly. With change we must be able to act quickly or we are left behind.

Do things change quickly for you or slowly?

Is there an abundance of opportunity for you?

Is there too much information out there?

If you want to accomplish something, how many different ways are there?

Is opportunity everywhere?

If its everywhere, does that contribute to your information overload?

Is there a way to slim down the information so you don’t get overwhelmed and immobilized?

When I have experienced overwhelm, it has been because I try to do too much at the same time. When I take each task, one at a time, and move in sequence, I can accomplish much and I do not have overwhelm.

One step at a time.

First step first.

Second step second.

And continuing until each step is done.

Does this approach help you?

How does it help?

Why does it help?

Are you willing to suspend your unbelief and take action?

It is in the action that the rewards are received.

You will become different from the actions you take.



Saturday, April 1, 2017

Jeremy Eveland Review

Jeremy Eveland Review

Just in case people out there are wondering what others say about me, I thought it would be good to post a very recent review. This is a review by a former client that I no longer represent. In fact, I started working on this case many years ago and their case has been closed for some time. Yet, here I get this 5 star review on March 30, 2017.

Read it yourself:

“Legal financial problems are frightening, embarrassing, and confusing. We needed to work with someone who understood every aspect of the law, but who also appreciated how it felt to be a consumer in the position we were in. We are beyond grateful to have found Jeremy Eveland and to work with this firm. Everyone we talked to was courteous, knowledgeable, and efficient. There was no time wasted (no frivolous legal billing), and plenty of considerate explanations and direction. Even after our discharge, Jeremy continues to provide us with exemplary service. We wish he practiced every aspect of all law because we don’t want to have to go anywhere else with regard to legal matters! These guys are really the best.” – Heidi B.

The truth is, Heidi and her family are great people. They are a pleasure to serve. I’m really nobody important and nothing in the grand scheme of things. But one thing is true: I like helping people, and I am glad I could help Heidi and her family.

All I can say is: Thank you for your kind and gracious words. They reflect more on how good of person you are than I am.

Jeremy Eveland
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States

Telephone: (801) 676-5506

SEO by Jeremy Eveland

For really good lawyers in Utah – Call this law firm:



Thursday, March 30, 2017

Oregon Bankruptcy Attorney Launches National Non-Profit Website/Law Firm To Help Seniors

Portland, OR (PRWEB) January 29, 2012

For over 30 years, Eric Olsen has been a successful bankruptcy attorney in the Pacific Northwest. The firm he founded, OlsenDaines, can be found throughout Oregon and the states of Washington, Idaho and Utah. Year after year, he witnessed lots of creditor abuse towards senior citizens and decided to do something about it. Mr. Olsen has now organized and formed, HELPS Nonprofit Law Firm. HELPS, an acronym for Help Eliminate Legal Problems for Seniors and Disabled, was designed to provide legal representation at an absolute minimal cost to any seniors (including poor senior citizens) harassed by creditors, for debts they cannot pay. This, without having to file a bankruptcy. It is available in all 50 states. The exact website address is:

According to Mr. Olsen there are over 40 million seniors in the United States and many of these seniors have retired owing debt they cannot pay. Under the law, Mr. Olsen explains, social security, disability and pensions are protected from collection. Nevertheless, seniors are frequently harassed by creditors and go without basic needs such as food, medicine and heat in an attempt to pay debt they can never pay off. Since the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005, bankruptcy has become very expensive. Mr. Olsen says, seniors are often faced with two options; deal with the harassment – or file a bankruptcy they cannot afford.

Now, for a minimal enrollment fee and a maintenance fee that is normally just $20 a month, HELPS Nonprofit Law Firm provides attorney protection. When a senior is represented by an attorney, under the law, contact from collectors by phone and mail must stop.

Its making a big difference in their lives. I want every senior citizen to know, this service is here for them. Now We never turn down a senior that qualifies. We are here to share the burden. These seniors now have a place to go for help.

The HELPS website features senior citizens sharing their real-life harassment experiences. These are stories that hit home with other seniors. We asked our clients if they would be willing to share their experience on video with others, Olsen explains. Many have this overwhelming desire to share their stories with others. They want other seniors to know that help is available, so they dont have to experience what they went through, before they found HELPS. The most common statement I hear is HELPS brought peace back into my life.

To be part of this unique service – go tohttp://www.helpsishere.orgfor easy enrollment. You'll be protected within minutes. Literally



Jeremy Eveland abogado

Jeremy Eveland abogado

I received a very nice testimonial.

You can watch it here –

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Oregon Bankruptcy Attorney Launches National Non-Profit Website/Law Firm To Help Seniors

Portland, OR (PRWEB) January 29, 2012

For over 30 years, Eric Olsen has been a successful bankruptcy attorney in the Pacific Northwest. The firm he founded, OlsenDaines, can be found throughout Oregon and the states of Washington, Idaho and Utah. Year after year, he witnessed lots of creditor abuse towards senior citizens and decided to do something about it. Mr. Olsen has now organized and formed, HELPS Nonprofit Law Firm. HELPS, an acronym for Help Eliminate Legal Problems for Seniors and Disabled, was designed to provide legal representation at an absolute minimal cost to any seniors (including…

This nice client, who speaks Spanish, said some nice things about me and I thought it would be good to share. Some people don’t know that I speak Spanish, but I do. Yo hablo Espanol.

So, the title of the video is Jeremy Eveland abogado.

Watch it and tell me what you think.


Jeremy Eveland
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States

Telephone: (801) 676-5506

SEO by Jeremy Eveland

For good lawyers – contact these guys:



Jeremy Eveland Abogado

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